Author: Baumfolder Corporation

i-Fold is standard on Baum 20 PFF & CFF Folders

i-Fold is standard on Baum 20 PFF & CFF Folders.  This unique and exclusive feature offers numerous features including: Text and pictorial tutorial screens for most applications to assist you for setup, operation, maintenance and troubleshooting. Display in either inch or metric numbers. Information for an unlimited amount of jobs can be created using information… Read more »

Baumfolder is certified under the Joint Certification Program

Baumfolder is certified under the Joint Certification Program (JCP) as a government contractor.  Joint Certification Program certification authorizes Government Contractors to obtain access to unclassified technical data drawings that disclose militarily critical technology that are under the control of the U.S. Department of Defense (DoD) or the Canadian Department of National Defense (DND).

Baum 20 Folders have paperless gapsets

The Baum 20 PFF and Baum 20 CFF folders have BaumQuick paperless gapsets.  This exclusive feature provides for fast and accurate setup of folding roller pressure. The folder operator can refer to the recommended settings for the type of fold selected in the Baum iFold tutorial interface and simply turn the knob on the gapset… Read more »

High Volume Feeding Solutions

Baumfolder has high volume feeding solutions to add to your existing bottom feeding equipment.  This increases efficiency by providing more product capacity which gives you longer times between reloading your product.

Baumfolder is now registered with DLA

Baumfolder is now registered with DLA.  The Defense Logistics Agency (DLA) allows us to utilize the vendor shipment module (VSM).  This allows us to take advantage of government contracted shipping agencies, who pick-up products purchased by the government right at our dock.

Baumfolder provides excellent order fulfillment solutions

Baumfolder provides excellent order fulfillment solutions for our customers needs.  We develop customized document solutions for order fulfillment and packaging, offering printed single to multi-page sets per order.  Contact our team of solution providers today for your project review.

Pete Molitor Celebrates 43 Years of Service

Pete Molitor Celebrates 43 Years of Service.  He has been a part of our service team for the majority of his career.  Pete is semi retired and enjoys working with our customers to get them the information and parts that they need to keep their machines running smoothly.  Please join with us in thanking Pete… Read more »