Already out the door is the 2nd BaumPrint 18, headed to Schiller Park, IL….
Author: Baumfolder Corporation
December Parts special now available
Check out the monthly parts special we are offering during the month of December…
BAUM ships first BaumPrint 18 to Consolidated Marketing
1st shipment of the BaumPrint 18 left the factory today….
BAUM hosts UVJVS Graphic Arts program tour at Sidney Factory
The UVJVS provides a comprehensive graphic arts program for high school students from several surrounding school districts….
BAUM conducts another Level One Service Training school
The BaumPrint 18 program continues to move forward with our extensive authorized BAUM dealer service training schools…..
New manuals available on our site
You asked and we’ve responded – New Cutter manuals have been uploaded for your convenience…
Celebrating Employee service Anniversaries
Please join us in congratulating Don Abner, who has been with Baumfolder now for 28 years! In addition ….
BAUM conducts another BaumPrint 18 Level One service school
Our extensive service training program for the BaumPrint 18 dealers continues, this week we are holding a level one program….
Latest issue of the BAUM Informer now available
Have you seen our on-line newsletter? Check it out today…
November Parts special now available
Are you finding it more difficult to set up your folder? Are you getting more spoilage? Do you have to run your folder slower to get a quality fold? If you answered yes to any of these, this month’s special could be for you!